City_Space_Flux Research Unit AUTH

City_Space_Flux AUTh (CSF) is an interdepartmental research unit of the Polytechnic School of AUTH that promotes knowledge, innovative research and pilot practices in the issues of integrated spatial and transportation planning. It was founded in 2018 by members of the Department of Spatial and Development Engineering and the Department of Architectural Engineering, while it also collaborates with external researchers of different specialties. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of cities and understanding the interactions between urban growth dynamics, urban development form, mobility behaviors and spatial flows. CSF (City Space Flux) specializes in spatial development, urban and urban planning, urban revitalization, sustainable mobility, historical development and transformation of cities, the exploitation of cultural heritage and sustainable tourism, integrating spatial, transport and environmental dimensions. The impacts of climate change and other multiple crises on the sustainability and resilience of cities, as well as the exploration of participatory planning practices and new forms of urban governance are also at the heart of the group's research interests.